Eli G. Testimonial

Customer Testimonial

Just had an A+ experience with Choke.
Eli G.

Just had an A+ experience with Choke. Super-patient with our questions on the phone, they let us come by and check out the different t-shirts, and the results just looked great - everyone loved the results.  And seriously, a 10% discount because it was for a non-profit? Love you guys. We'd definitely come back again. Thank you!

I work at an advertising agency and use Choke for all of my printing needs. I need high volume prints for events.

- Sara C., Yelp

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I worked with Choke most recently on shirts for our event. They were very responsive to all of my emails and we were able to easily place the order...

- Brian L., Yelp

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Choke is great. Unbelievable really.

- Owen W., Yelp

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