Jeff M. Testimonial

Customer Testimonial

Great prices, great quality, and above all, a high-integrity operation.
Jeff M.

Great prices, great quality, and above all, a high-integrity operation. They accidentally gave me the wrong style women's shirts on my second run (hey, stuff happens.) Not only did they quickly re-run the order for me at no charge, they DOUBLED the quantity on the re-run to make up for the inconvenience. Way above and beyond the call of duty. Thank you, Choke!

If you EVER need tee shirts made... go to the place where the guy says "I cry inside a little every time someone orders a white tee shirt".

- Arry Y., Yelp

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Choke is great. Unbelievable really.

- Owen W., Yelp

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Just picked up the first batch of GiftStarter t-shirts last night and they are FANTASTIC.

- Dae Y., Yelp

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